Privacy Policy

Personal data protection privacy policy.

Bandb jewelry, SL, wishes to inform users of the web, as responsible for the Treatment of the policy carried out regarding the treatment of all personal data that is provided through the web forms, social networks or other electronic and paper media.

If, in the future, we make changes to this Privacy Policy, we will notify you through this website or by other means, so that you can be aware of the new privacy conditions that are adopted.

Right to personal data protection information:

Bandb jewelry, SL, as data controller, in compliance with the Organic Law on the protection of personal data (hereinafter LOPD), development regulations of the Law and Regulation (EU) 2016/679, informs the users and people related to the entity, the policy carried out regarding the processing of all personal data provided to the Data Controller in the terms indicated below.

Type of information we collect:

We collect information through web forms, social networks, etc., to provide better services to all our users. We generally request personal information, such as your name, NIF, postal address, email address, telephone number to store it in our files.

Data Categories: Personally Identifiable Data, Business Activity Data, Transactional and Accounting Data.

Purpose of the file:

All the data requested will be processed in the files of the Responsible Party and will be necessary to:

Offer the possibility of registering the services provided.

Provide the contracted services and attend to the requests made by our clients.

Offer the opportunity to participate in raffles and contests, and access innumerable exclusive advantages for our clients.

Perform customer, administrative, accounting and tax management.

Inform you of news about products and services that are of interest to you.

Channel requests for information, suggestions and complaints that you may send us, contact the sender of the information, respond to your request or query and follow up afterwards.

Those other purposes necessary for the development, fulfillment and control of the contractual relationship that the client maintains with the Data Controller.

In this way, and prior to sending any form, the user is informed to express their consent to the processing of personal data and accept our data protection and privacy policy, which personal data is collected and processed, and its specific purpose, and the user may express their free consent with the option "I accept" the data protection policy and the processing of their personal data.


In the processing of personal data, the Data Controller undertakes to guarantee and protect the public freedoms and fundamental rights of the natural persons in the files and, especially, their honor and their family and personal privacy, undertaking in this sense, to carry out the corresponding data processing in accordance with the regulations in force at all times and to keep the most absolute secrecy in relation to the information of the users.

The personal data subject to treatment will not be used for other purposes that are not collected here or, where appropriate, by another document or contract that binds both parties with particular conditions.

Except for the express consent of the users, it will not transfer or communicate data to third parties that are not provided for in the LOPD.

The controller shall take steps to ensure that any person acting under its authority who has access to personal data may only process such data on the instructions of the controller, unless required to do so under Union or Member State law.

The Data Controller informs users that, in accordance with the provisions of the LOPD and the Regulation on Security Measures, it has adopted the necessary technical and organizational measures to guarantee the security of personal data and avoid alteration. , loss, treatment or unauthorized or illegal access and against accidental destruction or damage, taking into account the state of the technology, the nature of the data stored and the risks to which they are exposed. Likewise, the Treatment Manager guarantees the user compliance with the duty of professional secrecy regarding the personal data of the users and the duty to save them.

Data quality:

The data that is communicated through the web or a form must be exact and updated, being the exclusive responsibility of the users to update the data.

Exercise of the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition:

The Treatment Manager informs you that users may exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation, opposition, limitation to data processing and data portability, through:

Sending an email, attaching your ID, from the email account that was registered in our services, to the address:

The user also has the right to file a claim with the Spanish Data Protection Agency.

Modification of the privacy policy:

The Treatment Manager reserves the right to modify its Privacy Policy, according to its own criteria, or motivated by a legislative change, said changes will be updated on our website and communicated to the user.

Minors and specially protected data:

The forms do not store age data or special category data such as ideology, union membership, religion, beliefs, racial or ethnic origin, or sex life, or health.”

In those Services in which age data is expressly indicated, access will be restricted solely and exclusively to those over 13 years of age.

Conservation time:

The personal identification data is kept as long as the contractual relationship with the client is maintained, remains registered in the service and has not expressly requested the cancellation and cancellation of data, and in the minimum period established by the legislation in order to comply with the legal obligations that are imposed on us and attend to the possible responsibilities that could derive from the fulfillment of the purpose for which the data was collected.

The collected data will be deleted when they are no longer necessary or relevant for the purpose for which they were collected or recorded. In the event that the collected data is intended to be used for a purpose other than that for which it was collected, the prior consent of the interested parties will be required.


The legitimacy of the processing of personal data is based on the user's consent, the contractual relationship with the client or supplier, and legitimate interest. The user can revoke their consent at any time by exercising their rights through the email address .

Contact Us:

If you have any questions regarding privacy while using the Application, or if you have questions about our practices, please contact us by email at .